Operational hours
Our opening times are term time only Monday to Friday
Prices for children 3 years and above:
Monday to Friday
08:30am to 9am £2.50
9am – 11:45am £15.00 per session
9am – 1pm £20.00 per session (Drop off fee to Nursery - £1 per day)
Daily Collection from Gwenfo Nursery
From ‘Breakfast Club’ at 08:50am £2.25 (incs transition fee)
11:15am until 1pm £10.00 per session (Pick up fee from Nursery - £1 per day)
Wednesday & Thursday
Collection from Gwenfo Nursery at 11:15am until 3:15pm £20.00 per session
(Pick up fee from Nursery - £1 per day)
All day care Wednesday and Thursday only - 9am – 3:15pm - £31.25
Prices for children under 3 years of age (due to higher adult/child ratio)
Monday to Friday
9am – 11:45am - £16.00
9am – 1pm - £22.00
All day care – 9am until 3:15pm - £34.25
Lunch is to be provided by means of a packed lunch from home.
Fees are invoiced half termly; however; you may pay them weekly or monthly - in advance. Fees are to be paid direct into our bank account and within 7 days on receipt of invoice. Bank details will be on the invoice. We do not accept Cash or Cheque payments. We may accept payment voucher schemes via your workplace. Please speak to us for more details on using workplace voucher schemes.
We can support children with various additional needs, including help with language and communication and special dietary needs. We are registered by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) to provide day care for up to 30 children per session.
Our playgroup operates in the Village Hall where we have the use of two halls, a kitchen area, toilet facilities and a large, safe, enclosed outdoor play area.
We employ 6 full-time staff and 2 part-time staff. The person in charge on a day to day basis is Sandra Morgan. Staffing ratios for children under 3 is 1 adult to 4 children and for children aged 3 years and above it is one adult to 8 children.
Aims and objectives
Our playgroup offers a wide range of activities to suit children's age, stage and individual needs, and meet our aims and objectives by reflecting Welsh Government current strategy. We operate a "Learning Through Play" system using the 7 areas of learning:
Personal, Social, Emotional, Well Being and Cultural Diversity
Language, Literacy & Communication
Knowledge & Understanding of the World